Electronic Technology Digital Computer - LXY0-00

Electronic Technology Digital Computer - LXY0-00
$1829.00 $18290

product name:Electronic Technology Digital Computer - LXY0-00


Do you want to create a responsive Electronic Technology Digital Computer - LXY0-00 website?

No need to find someone to customize, just buy ready-made! Ordering and demonstrating the same website products at a grateful price of 1829 yuan per version!

Recommended industries: IT/Technology/Computer/Communication/Digital

System modules: single page module, article module, product module, image module, message module

(The template station will be modified and added according to customer needs for additional fees: modifying the page website framework layout, adding page columns, and functions)

Software copyright: One genuine commercial copyright of the software

Support Services: Software Support Services!

Website copyright: genuine copyright

Website domain name: 1 (. com/. cn/. net/. org/. gov)

Website space: √ Five line space (Telecom, Netcom, Tietong, Education Network, Mobile)!

Enterprise email: √

Online customer service: √

Domain name registration: √

Dynamic display: √

APP development: √ (additional charge)

Background management: √ Genuine background

Column setting: √ Teach and assist clients in setting up

Website maintenance: √ Assist in basic maintenance

Development cycle: √ 1-7 working days

Hacker attack: √ Assist in handling

Hang a horse to handle: √ Assist in handling

Safety protection: √ Assist in setting up

Package price: 18290 yuan per version

Gratitude Price: 1829 yuan per version


工作时间:周一至周五 9:00-18:00

Contact:Lexiaoyao Website Design


